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Ollie the Elephant – Full Set of 164 Booklets

  • Cena: 699,00 

Full set of all 164 booklets of The Ollie the Elephant — Learning Made Easy™: English Basic Words series.

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Katalógové číslo: ENSK0001 Kategórie: , Hmotnosť: 7.4 kg Rozmery: 40 × 40 × 30 cm

Full set of all booklets 1-164 of the program Ollie the Elephant — Learning Made Easy™: English Basic Words.


About the Ollie the Elephant — Learning Made Easy Series

Up to half of the average English sentence consists of what we refer to as simple words. These are words like “and,” “at,” “in,” “to,” and so on.

As these words represent up to half of language usage, it is vital to understand their meanings. Without knowing them thoroughly, one cannot fully understand others — and be understood.

We use these words literally hundreds of times every day. But they are the overlooked “elephant in the room” as they are generally not taught in schools — from primary schools to universities. People tend to suppose that “everyone knows” these words.

For example, the word “in” has twelve different common meanings. It can be used in twelve different ways.

The Ollie the Elephant series was designed to convey the meanings of these fundamental words using pictures. These are not storybooks. They teach the proper use of the key common words of the English language. Adults are often shocked that even they learn new things from Ollie the Elephant. The series is designed to give even first-grade students a university-level understanding of these essential English words. (The secret lies in the illustrations.  Every single one of the illustrations is designed to convey a specific meaning.)

You can find more information about the Ollie the Elephant – Learning Made Easy Series at this link.


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